Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yes, YOU. You must have stumbled across here by accident. LUCKY. ;) Just kiddin’. So here I am sitting in my college dorm room, freshman year contemplating whether or not I should jump on the Bloggin’ band wagon or not- What could be more cliché? Many things run through your mind when you are wrestling if you should attempt to reach the world or not via the world-wide-web. Some things are: Will anyone read this? (THANKS MOM.) Do I actually want to tell my friends about this? And Is the world really ready to handle the words of Allison T.? The answer to all these is probably “No”, but hey what can you do? So…here we go. Here are some things you NEED to KNOW about me:

1.      I am completely in love with Jesus Christ (yeah…we talk er’ryday)

2.      I live on Fourth North (of courth), the best little hall from A to Z in the U S A. (I love these girls).

3.      Gummy Bears are my Favoriteeeee.

4.      Playing with chalk is my more favoriteeeee.

5.      Midnight Adventures make my day (or night).

6.      I am a champion friendship bracelet maker (1368329 knots per minute).

7.      I like making up words and phrases…A LOT

8.      $0m3t!m3z I typ3 0bn0x!0us1y (ß like this)

9.      I break it down till the break of dawn.

10.  I think youda youda best.

There’s probably more, but hey all will be revealed in time. If I keep this up, that is. In fact, maybe I’ll put a time limit on this, baby. Yes, great idea! Six months sounds like a good, solid time. If in six months of blogging er’ryday (or as close to that as I remember), I have ten followers, I’ll keep it up. Probably. So stay tuned, some things you might hear about are my life, the lives of the people I creep on (there are quite a few), my midnight adventures, 1!f3 ‘N g3n3ru1z (or life in general), my roomiez, kittens stuck in trees, Santa, my obsession with sunglasses, my dislike of messy rooms (oh, the irony), frolicking, KING LEONIUS…and much more.

Most likely…

So yeah, stay classy readers.

( And by readers, I mean you, Mom).
This is my Weak Attempt at an Online Blog.

Love you.