Friday, June 22, 2012

Countdown to Camp #1!

Well, here we are, a mere three days to the opening rally for Camp #1. It has been a long process of praying, writing, rewriting, attempting crafts, finding games that wouldn't inflict injury, and figuring out what exactly the purpose of the kids camp was. For eight months we've been working on this project and praying up a storm- cause let's face it, with out that, what even is Children's Ministry? Oh yeah...babysitting. So here it is: 
Our heart for this ministry...
I am literally overwhelmed with the goodness of God, and the power of His presence and prayer. Literally. I keep finding myself in positions where God not only meets my needs, but exceeds my expectations in every way. My hope for this curriculum, as it is about to come to pass, is that children would develop a passion for prayer and a heart for missions! My hope is that they encounter God at this event, and that they begin to understand that God has a plan and purpose for them! 

This is going to be an amazing week of fun, but it's also going to be a time of revelation of God's heart for people, and how we can model that today! 

I am so excited and blessed to be a part of this awesome God opportunity! Partner with us in prayer as we begin to start into week number one!

On another note of blessing, if you or somebody you know also works in Children's Ministries, I will be training for an online Children's Ministry workshop through on July 30th! It's for free if you want to tune in to learn about "Developing Leaders in Your Ministry"! You can read a quick synopsis of it here. 

Anyways, the next three days are going to be crazy. Pray for me! Seriously. Praise the Lord for the leaders who are partnering with me, and Praise the Lord for Go-Girls.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Love Notes and Great Folks

What? Blogging two days in a row? Yeah, I'm multitasking...
So last night, I brought in my first box from my college stuff. I know, I's been almost a month we've been out, but it's only books and what not. Well, the what not was some notes from my good friends (hand written notes are my favorite), and I realized how much I miss the friends I made at APU! It's funny though, I was sad, yes, but I just feel blessed that I have those friendships! For certain reasons, many of the friendships I have in Azusa got real real deep, real real fast! I'm mostly certain that if they weren't based on a mutual love for Christ, we wouldn't have known how to encourage one another best.
And I'm not dissing my friends from the YC- Ale, Nikki, Tori, Janny, all know I love you like Jonathon loved David, and I'm talking about the biblical figures who were like brothers, not some obscure other reference...Anyways, from the long conversations that take place in my car, or chalk drawing, or adventures, or kids camps, I know our friendships were orchestrated perfectly!

And I guess that's what I'm talking is so awesome that God does that for us- orchestrates friendships that are not only filled with laughter and shenanigans and frolicking, but also encouraging words when we need them, and support , and good wholesome fun! This school year, I was blessed with both people on my hall- Carol, Kaitlyn, Emily, Brea, Abby, Rachel, Emily P, Lauren..., and those who were older  wiser who invested time and prayer in me! All of you- Nichole, Brigina,  Chelsea, Dee, Teagan, Holly, Aranda...there's so many more (please don't be offended if I didn't name you- multitasking has never been my strong suit.) I guess this is just a little shout out that I am so incredibly blessed by you all! Incredibly.

I was also reminded of my awesome friends when I received a letter in the mail- yes, snail mail! from The Brea! So great. Made my life. So I'm sending her a letter as soon as I post this...

Let's be pen pals, cause let's be honest, who doesn't love a good hand written note? 
Anyways, thank you for being wonderful friends. 
It doesn't get much better.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Plights and Stage Lights

So this summer has been jam packed with planning and running and scavenging and speaking, and my camp tour hasn't even started yet! "Camp tour?" you may be questioning ever so gingerly, well I can't remember if I've really told you anything about it, but basically me and my esteemed colleague (and best friend) co-wrote a curriculum which God has blessed beyond our imagination!
Here's the promo video...
Pretty legit- PTL!

But besides all the shopping, planning, and conference calling for Kids Camp, I turned 19, hit an artistic streak, started writing two books, am in a children's production, and illegally trespassed. My life be cray.

Turning19...what to say? Age is but a number, babycakes.

I found these really rad wallpaper sample tiles, and I'm creating a really cool collage out of them.
(And by really cool, I mean simply elementary.)

My two books? One is fictional, the other is a teen girl devotional- this arose after the Purity Conference.

These things are taking a back seat though, unfortunately, because my nights and only moments of free time are being spent at rehearsals for a children's theater production of "The Princess and the Porcupine" - I owed the director a favor.
Oddly enough, I realized I really miss the stage. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how the desires of my heart interact with the call God has given me. Because I am a firm believer that God gives us gifts for a purpose, I just don't know if I've already played them out. Who knows? Not me. But God. We'll just see...

Such Good Times...

Anyways yesterday, with Alejandra, I hopped the fence onto Yuba City High School because her future German classroom was open. Me being the instigator I am, encouraged her to do it. But as soon as our little feet touched down on the grass, we were caught by a janitor. He was nice though, and let us take a look. It was pretty fun.
Mentoring in a boss.

 Anyways, this is really filled to overflowing. Oh well, enjoy as you will. Pray for my camps, and for direction, and I will pray for you
Pinky Promise
Love you.