Monday, July 23, 2012

A Breath at The Life Church

Once again, after months of praying, planning, running around like crazy, and more praying, we have finished another kids camp. Phew! It's summers like this one that make my life worth living. Honestly, this week of ministering at The Life Church, was so refreshing and encouraging! Talking with the Life Church staff, working with their youth, and worshipping with their kids brought a breath of life, and reminded us why we even do this- to make eternal investments, to plant seeds!
 The week kicked off wonderfully without a single hitch! Actually, there was one...our glow sticks didn't really glow. But even in this little baby hiccup, God provided even more than we expected with flashlights and laser lights  the kids loved! We had great times of worship, and fun with silly songs, and had the perfect opportunity to encourage kids to have a heart for missions and prayer, and to help them understand God has a plan and purpose for them! We even were so blessed that we were able to bless every kid with a gift!

As you can see, the kids had a great time getting there "blessings"!

Overall, it was an incredible week filled with the presence of God! There is something so incredibly humbling about seeing kids worship God!
Learning to sew the Prayer Flag Banner like a boss.

Prayer flag and walk way.

Pre- Games.

One of my favorite things is the chance to invest in the Life Kids both last and this summer! 
From Year...
2011 Year.

This is my life.

Thank you so much to Pastor Lance and Pastor Laurie, and all the staff and student leaders at The Life Church! If you're in Stockton, I urge you to check this church out! Also thanks to Nikki for putting up with my pretend punching and bossiness- I love you! And finally, thanks to Jan- without you this would have been a danger filled disaster! I sincerely appreciate all of you!

Well, here we go, off to the church for round 3 at Christian Worship Center in San Jose! Pray for us! It's from 9am-2pm, and I have the preschool and kindergarten class with 17 kids!
Pray for the planted dreams!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Seattle & Tea

Here I am, folding costumes, organizing game supplies, and packing for the week to come while watching one of my favorite movies, "Sleepless in Seattle". A nice warm cup of tea steeping next to me, and I know it's nights like these that make me remember just how good God is. It's like God lives and moves in the simplicity of it all. I leave for the second camp tomorrow. I pray it goes even better than the amazingly blessed last camp, and that God has His way! Pray with us. We are trusting the Lord will exceed our expectations. I feel so blessed for this opportunity and this evening, and everything. I know the Lord is faithful not only to meet my needs, but to meet me where I'm at.

"Now that was when people KNEW how to be in love. They knew it! Time, distance... nothing could separate them because they knew. It was right. It was real."

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Camp in Review!

So...this is a few days late, and by "a few", of course I mean a week! My bad...Anyways, after months of praying and writing, and weeks of planning and gathering supplies, the week came of no sleep and early mornings! Praise the Lord for Go-Girls! Janet, the other writer of our VBS curriculum (and not to mention my Best Friend) came down for the week to speak and lend her logical thinking- cause let's face it, that just isn't my strong suit! Our hope for the week was that children would develop a passion for powerful prayer and a heart for missions, and that they would begin to understand that God has a plan and purpose for them! And after the week was over, we asked the kids what God had taught them, and they all said something along these lines! 
It is so incredible when you see a dream that God gives you come to pass!

Some 1st grade girls playing in the laser hallway.

The stairs up to the "Gadget Garage" (Craft Room) was lined with glow sticks and lasers also!
"And the Good News about Heaven will be told to everyone, all over, so that all nations will hear it." Matthew 24:14
One of the illustrations with colored bubbles.

Prayer flag banner, the kids each wrote one for missionaries around the world.

Janet and I with the VBS leaders- all of who were in the 6th-9th grades.

God completely exceeded our expectations, of course, and blessed this endeavor more than we could've even imagined! We had no problems or injuries, more kids every day, and the Sunday after I had three girls come up to me and tell me how they're raising money to support a missions organization and want to talk to families in the church to partner with them financially and through prayer!

Life Lesson: When God is for you, nothing can stand against you
And it's so wonderful to see this in action! 
Ask God what He really wants, because He will use those who have a willing heart.