Friday, December 30, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

Hello chums,
(I'm fairly certain that means "friends", but now as I read it I'm not so sure...)

Anywho! It's that time again...a year has already gone by? Wh-wh-wh-what'd chu say? The thing that REALLY gets me is I've already finished my first semester of college. That's what I like to call a little cray-cray. Here's what I've learned: I'm actually not very good at remembering peoples' names. You have to put soap in your laundry for it to wash- don't forget it. My time management skills have fallen slightly. The Wesleyan Quadrilateral has four components which I can't seem to say on spot. Dr. Duke loves Jews. So does Brea. I'm not very good at keeping phone appointments.

I also learned a bunch of academic stuff. Don't worry, Mom.

But overall, these last few months have brought to light some of my weaknesses, which is healthy! As long as I realize I have strengths too. :) So anywho...after much thought here's my list of New Year's Resolutions (some of them have to do with weaknesses...others...not so much).

Here we go.

1. No Meat...For at least one month.
Starting in September, I stopped eating all meats except chicken and fish. Why? You may ask. The inspiration came from my mentor/friend/coinstar buddy/one week summer her blog chalked full of life lessons and what not here. Anywho, I have been feeling led to fast all meat, and I'm not quite sure why, but shouldn't be too hard. I'll just have to start hanging out with The Brea more. She's going full vegetarian all year long.

2. Listen to only Christian music for one week each month.
True, I'm not really a fan of Christian music that isn't worship or praise, I'm not quite sure why, but just not my style. However, over the past two years I've realized when I put good stuff in my spirit, good stuff comes out. After all, Philippians 4:8 "...think on such things." I spend one month a year listening to onnly worship music in my spare time (I can't really help when I'm in other peoples' cars or homes), and sometimes it's hard, but overall it only does good. SO I decided to extend it throughout the year! Hopefully this works out too, cause I break it down till the break of dawn and sometimes it's just a little hard to dance to KLOVE.

3. Finish writing my VBS Curriculum.
So I haven't really gone into depth on my blog about my love for children's ministry, but that is where my heart is. Seriously, my fave thing is to travel and speak at churches and camps, and that's usually what I spend my summers doing. BUT, here's the thing. Recently God laid this idea for a VBS curriculum on my heart, and I'm hoping I can finish that by the latest May. Good thing my favorite person, Janny, is partnering with me. We've been working in CM together for SEVEN YEARS, and I trust her opinion.

Here's some of our camp adventures with Our GREAT friend, Tori:

Oops, I mean.

Good ol' Janetorial...That's what I like to see!
4. Cross 20 Dreams of my List This Year.
Another secret to the blogging world is my possession of my dream book. It is filled to overflowing (or rather to 500) with things I want to accomplish or try or go to or whatever. Some are random, some are serious. Things like- be on a game show, or go to Brazil...the list goes on. The point is this is the year I'm going to try new things! I'm the kind of person who establishes a plan and likes to stick to it.

It's true, I am a control freak...

But this is it.
This is the year!Adventure is out there, and there's not really much stopping me from living it up this year. And things that are stopping me? I guess overcoming them is what makes life interesting!

2012, here I come.

These are my resolutions, loves.
What are yours?