Thursday, February 9, 2012

Being Samuel

Last night, I could not sleep.
PTL I don't have class till 1pm, but there was a reason I couldn't sleep. I started to drift off, and just as I reached a place of unconscious contentment, the Lord woke me up. You know, like He did to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3? He was just a kid then, but God woke him up three times. And when Samuel realized it was God, he stood up and said "Here I am, You called me." The funny thing is, despite the many times I've heard this story, or even preached about it, that happened to me too! I kept trying to sleep, and God kept waking me up. FINALLY, I got it. So what better way to answer God then to follow in suit of Sam-Bam, and say the same thing to God. Have you ever made God chuckle? Well, I'm pretty sure He did at me last night. But anyways, after answering God, I asked Him what was going down, and this is what happened...

"Allison, listen to me."
"I am"
"No, I mean...all the time."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you listen to Me when I have something good to tell you, and you listen to Me when I'm disciplining you, but you don't listen to me in the everyday."
"But, either I'm getting in trouble everyday, or your blessing me..."
"Sorry, God."

After a little more listening, and a little less arguing, I realized what God was saying. I forget to give God my everything. ALL. ZE. TIME. Here's the thing, I say this almost everyday, I just have a hard time following through with it. And lately I have been kinda having a stressful details, if you want to know more, you can ask me here. (But I reserve the right to not tell you)...and my Father has been reminding me

What a blessing! The Lord IS MY STRENGTH! I don't know about you, but I've never heard of anything stonger! And in 1 Peter 5:7, God says "Cast all your anxiety on me because I care for you!" Sometimes we are so apt to forget that! So now, in the brink of my anxiety, sickness, and storm, I will rejoice because

Prasie the LORD, He is a God who wakes us to remind us His love for us is deep, and His desire to protect us is great. He is ALMIGHTY, loving, and knows what's best for us. And you know what? After God gave me a big hug, I had a great night's sleep. Why?
Because I am His, and He is mine, His banner over me is love.


  1. Love this Allison! Your strength is amazing and so inspiring! I am blessed to know you :)

    1. Nichole! It is so humbling to know you and the other supervisors are supporting me. It honestly means SO much. You are a blessing to me! And I'm thankful for you! :) Did you happen to see I posted a link to your blog? "why?", you may be asking yourself...because YOU inspire me.
