Thursday, May 10, 2012

Five days in, It's about that time!

Well it's that time...rather, it's been that time for five days. Summer. And it's time to announce the goals. Why? You may ask...because that's the way I roll. But i'm not quite sure yet... I'm feeling a bit more of a "To-do List" coming on. So here it is, lovelies, the Summer to do List:
1. Pray for next year- Alphies, intentional relationships, boldness, possible study abroad...Good thing, God knows the desires of my heart!
2. Play with Brother more- I love Andrew, and he's getting interesting now, so time to hang with him a little more. We started playing Black Ops, and he straight up pointed and laughed. Thanks, Broseph.

3. Plan the most epic dance ever- Underground Prom. 2nd Annual. Open to all high schoolers. DJ. Dancing. Fun Times. We already hit a bump in the road and I had to switch the venue, but hey, someone's got to take care of it.

4. Dance/ choreograph more- When I feel it, I do it.
5. Kids Camps- See my VBS Curriculum all the way to completion! At three churches in Northern California, and one in Southern. God is too good to me!
6. Paint more- In the words of Teagan, "Everyone's an artist, some people just don't believe it." Might as well!
7. Learn to long board- It looks like fun, and last year I started learning, I just never finished...
8. Invest in my high school homies- There are a few who will be graduating this year, or the next who I'd really like to know that I care about them!
9. Evangelize- in churches, Target, Starbucks, wherever.
10. Take time for me- Pedicures are my favorite, and so many summers, I get wrapped up in the hustle of camps and what not. But I need time to reflect, and maybe write more.
11. Be inspired- Accomplish at least three things off my dream list, and add five.

There you go. A summer of desires. I can't get wrapped up in the hustle this year. This summer will be beneficial all around. This summer will be full of adventures. 
Just don't be mad, if most of them are ministry related.

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